jueves, 30 de enero de 2014

Why not talk about history?

Hey guys do you know that the globalization starts since we were kids? Yeah and if you don’t know that I could tell you that starts a long time ago, yeah the term globalization has been increasing use since the mid-1980s and especially since the mid-1990s, though several scholars situate the origins of globalization in the modern era, others regard it as a phenomenon with a long history. Some authors have argued that stretching the beginning of globalization far back in time renders the concept wholly inoperative and useless for political analysis. But the most of the people think that this concept stars whit the international travel when the people shift things like clothes, food, and other things.

Exist distal and proximate causes that can be traced in the historical factors affecting globalization and on the next post we would talk about some phases of these.

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