Well guys it’s time to say
goodbye, I suffer a lot for this blog because i had to post all days and sometimes
i need to make time to create a post.. L but for this partial
It’s all. Have a good end of partial bye! XOXO.
martes, 11 de febrero de 2014
Pros and cons
lunes, 10 de febrero de 2014
Support and criticism
to processes contributing to globalization have varied widely with a history as
long as extraterritorial contact and trade. Philosophical differences
regarding the costs and benefits of such processes give rise to a broad-range
of ideologies and social movements. Proponents of economic
growth, expansion and development, in general, view globalizing
processes as desirable or necessary to the well-being of human society. Antagonists
view one or more globalizing processes as detrimental to social well-being on a
global or local scale; this includes those who question either the social or natural sustainability of
long-term and continuous economic expansion, the social structural
inequality caused by these processes, and the colonial, Imperialistic,
orhegemonic ethnocentrism, cultural assimilation and cultural
appropriation that underlie such processes.
general, corporate businesses, particularly in the area of finance, see
globalization as a positive force in the world. Many economists cite
statistics that seem to support such positive impact. For example, per capita Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) growth among post-1980 globalizing countries
accelerated from 1.4 percent a year in the 1960s and 2.9 percent a year in the
1970s to 3.5 percent in the 1980s and 5.0 percent in the 1990s. This
acceleration in growth seems even more remarkable given that the rich countries
saw steady declines in growth from a high of 4.7 percent in the 1960s to 2.2
percent in the 1990s. Also, the non-globalizing developing countries seem to
fare worse than the globalizers, with the former's annual growth rates falling
from highs of 3.3 percent during the 1970s to only 1.4 percent during the
1990s. This rapid growth among the globalizers is not simply due to the strong
performances of China and India in the 1980s and 1990s – 18 out of the 24
globalizers experienced increases in growth, many of them quite substantial.
of globalization generally stem from discussions surrounding the impact of such
processes on the planet as well as the human costs. They challenge directly
traditional metrics, such as GDP, and look to other measures, such as the Gini
coefficient or the Happy Planet Index, and point to a "multitude
of interconnected fatal consequences–social disintegration, a breakdown of
democracy, more rapid and extensive deterioration of the environment, the
spread of new diseases, increasing poverty and alienation"which they claim
are the unintended consequences of globalization.
viernes, 7 de febrero de 2014
Fast Food
are that you have had a McDonald’s meal in the past or if not, you certainly
know a lot of people who have. It’s the biggest fast food chain in the world,
with 32,000 outlets in 117 countries. The clown-fronted burger outfit employs a
staggering 1.7 million people, and in the first three months of 2011 alone it
made $1.2bn in profits on the back of revenues of $6.1bn. The company has come
in for huge amounts of criticism over the past 20 years, for the impact it has
on the diets of people worldwide, its labour practices and the impact its
business has had on the environment. From Fast Food Nation to Supersize
Me by the way of the McLibel trials of the 1990s, plenty has been written
and broadcast to tarnish the golden arches’ shine.
sales in the early 2000s, which saw franchises being shut for the first time in
the company’s history, caused a major rethink of the way McDonald’s operates,
and its recent rhetoric has been that of a firm with a newly discovered zeal
for ethical end eco-friendly practices, garnering praise from champions as
unlikely as Greenpeace and the Carbon Trust. But is this just
marketing hype or has McDonald’s had a genuine change of heart?
The answer is yes and no. First of all, because of the way the company
is run, it’s hard to generalise. Around 80 per cent of McDonald’s outlets are
run by franchisees who have to meet standards set by the company, but who can –
and do – go above and beyond them. Further, McDonald’s branches are run by
country and regional offices, each of which are subject to domestic standards.
The production of much of the raw products which go into McDonald’s meals, from
burger patties to sauces, is subcontracted to different suppliers, making it
impossible to assess the company in terms of a single golden standard. Its sole
global supplier (for soft drinks) is Coca-Colajueves, 6 de febrero de 2014
Chinese Food
you ever stopped to think about the evolution of fried rice in America? Well, I
think I might have thought of something similar last night when I was using two
wooden sticks to eat the last bits of rice I had on my plate. Call me crazy,
but I can actually distinguish between Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese and
other Asian foods because I am such an Asian food lover. Although you might not
be able to distinguish the differences, or may not even enjoy the taste of
oriental food, perhaps learning about the critically acclaimed food will do you
some good.
plays a huge role in the assimilation of Chinese food within the American
culture. Cheng’s literature review pans over some of the current theories of
globalization. To many globalization theorists, “globalization is often viewed
as an ominous homogenization of the world–where sameness is ubiquitously
imposed, and the difference is steadily suppressed or eliminated.” (2011 198).
If you are wondering what globalization means, or simply haven’t read Cheng’s
article, Inglis & Gimlin (2010 9) provide a good definition of it. In terms
of food communication, globalization is, “the multiple modes of interaction of
the economic, political, social and cultural dimensions of globalization as the
affect food-related matters, and as the latter in turn come to affect the
former, in a series of ongoing dialectical relations characterized by the
constant generation forms of complexity.”
1848, the discovery of gold in California prompted the first wave of Chinese
immigration to the United States. This event was followed by Chinese
restaurants being built to feed the growing numbers of people on the West
Coast. Twenty years later there would be similar “Chinatowns” to spring up
along the East Coast as well. Eventually there hostility grew among Americans
and the Chinese were looked down upon; food establishment service was not up to
par and Chinatowns were generally unclean. The United States even passed the
Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 to decrease the numbers of Chinese immigrants.
After those years, Chinese restaurants and Chinatowns were eventually cleaned
up their act and faced Americans were faced with a new wave of immigration in
the 1960s.
addition to the more than 41,000 independent Chinese restaurants that currently
exist in the United States, there has also been an increase in number of
Chinese chain restaurants, such asP.F. Chang’s and Panda Express” (Cheng 203).
Interestingly, the total number of Chinese restaurants in the U.S. has now
surpassed the combined number of McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger King
franchises. Obviously Chinese food has made its way to the sphere of the
American eating experience.
Cheng delves into What people eat at American restaurants, he finds that much
of the Chinese restaurants in America are not serving authentic “Chinese” food.
Due to the anti-Chinese sentiments that the oriental immigrants had to go
through over the years, Cheng explains that the Chinese food industry had to
assimilate in order to survive. The four dimensions of the acculturation model
are key here. They are integration, assimilation, separation, and
marginalization. Integration refers to the majority of Chinese immigrants creating
a “familiar-yet-exotic” cuisine for the American eaters. The other three
aspects are important, but Cheng does not touch on them as fully as he does
with integration.
miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014
Globalization of Food
Take a look at your evening
meal and what do you see? Common foods that are so much a part of daily
sustenance that you would hardly suspect they originated in another country. But
it is true
Most of the foods that we
commonly eat today are the product of globalization. And often a globalization
that began centuries before the term came into use. Next time you eat one of
the foods highlighted in the following articles imagine what life would be like
if that food had never left its home country. Tomorrow we would see some
examples of this food.
martes, 4 de febrero de 2014
During the 19th century, globalization approached its modern form as a
result of the industrial revolution. Industrialization allowed standardized production
of household items using economies of scale while rapid population growth
created sustained demand for commodities. Globalization in this period was
decisively shaped by nineteenth-century imperialism. In the 19th century,steamships reduced
the cost of international transport significantly and railroads made
inland transport cheaper. The transport revolution occurred some time between
1820 and 1850. More nations embraced international
trade. Globalization in this period was decisively shaped by
nineteenth-century imperialism such as in Africa and Asia.
The invention of shipping containers in 1956 helped advance the
globalization of commerce.
After the Second World War, work by politicians led to the Bretton
Woods conference, an agreement by major governments to lay down the framework
for international monetary policy, commerce and finance, and the founding of
several international institutions intended to facilitate economic growth
multiple rounds of trade opening simplified and lowered trade barriers.
Initially, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), led to
a series of agreements to remove trade restrictions. GATT's successor was
the World Trade Organization (WTO), which created an institution to
manage the trading system. Exports nearly doubled from 8.5% of total gross
world product in 1970 to 16.2% in 2001. The approach of using global
agreements to advance trade stumbled with the failure of the Doha round of
trade-negotiation. Many countries then shifted to bilateral or smaller
multilateral agreements, such as the 2011 South Korea–United States Free
Trade Agreement.
Since the 1970s, aviation has become increasingly affordable to middle
classes in developed countries. Open skies policies and low-cost
carriers have helped to bring competition to the market. In the 1990s, the
growth of low cost communication networks cut the cost of communicating between
different countries. More work can be performed using a computer without regard
to location. This
included accounting, software development, and engineering design
.lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014
Early Moderm
'Early modern’ or
'proto-globalization' covers a period of the history of globalization roughly
spanning the years between 1600 and 1800. The concept of 'proto-globalization'
was first introduced by historians A. G. Hopkins and Christopher
Bayly. The term describes the phase of increasing trade links and cultural
exchange that characterized the period immediately preceding the advent of high
'modern globalization' in the late 19th century. This phase of
globalization was characterized by the rise of maritime European empires, in
the 16th and 17th centuries, first the Portuguese and Spanish Empires,
and later the Dutch and British Empires. In the 17th century, world trade
developed further when chartered companies like the British East
India Company(founded in 1600) and the Dutch East India Company (founded
in 1602, often described as the first multinational corporation in
which stock was offered) were established.
Early modern globalization is distinguished from modern globalization on
the basis of expansionism, the method of managing global trade, and the level
of information exchange. The period is marked by such trade arrangements as
the East India Company, the shift of hegemony to Western Europe,
the rise of larger-scale conflicts between powerful nations such as the Thirty
Year War, and a rise of new commodities – most particularly slave trade. The
Triangular Trade made it possible for Europe to take advantage of
resources within the western hemisphere. The transfer of plant and animal crops
and epidemic diseases associated with Alfred Crosby's concept of The
Columbian Exchange also played a central role in this process. Early
modern trade and communications involved a vast group including European, Muslim, Indian, Southeast
Asian and Chinese merchants, particularly in the Indian Ocean region.
viernes, 31 de enero de 2014
In this schema, three main
prerequisites are posited for globalization to occur. The first is the idea of
Eastern Origins, which shows how Western states have adapted and implemented
learned principals from the East. Without the traditional ideas from the East,
Western globalization would not have emerged the way it did. The second is
distance. The interactions amongst states were not on a global scale and most
often were confined to Asia, North Africa, the Middle East and certain parts of
Europe. With early globalization it was difficult for states to interact with
others that were not within close proximity. Eventually, technological advances
allowed states to learn of others existence and another phase of globalization
was able to occur. The third has to do with interdependency, stability and regularity. If a
state is not depended on another then there is no way for them to be mutually
affected by one another. This is one of the driving forces behind global
connections and trade; without either globalization would not have emerged the
way it did and states would still be dependent on their own production and
resources to function. This is one of the arguments surrounding the idea of
early globalization. It is argued that archaic globalization did not function
in a similar manner to modern globalization because states were not as
interdependent on others as they are today.
jueves, 30 de enero de 2014
Why not talk about history?
Hey guys do you know that the globalization starts since we were kids? Yeah and if you don’t know that I could tell you that starts a long time ago, yeah the term globalization has been increasing use since the mid-1980s and especially since the mid-1990s, though several scholars situate the origins of globalization in the modern era, others regard it as a phenomenon with a long history. Some authors have argued that stretching the beginning of globalization far back in time renders the concept wholly inoperative and useless for political analysis. But the most of the people think that this concept stars whit the international travel when the people shift things like clothes, food, and other things.
Exist distal and proximate causes that can be traced in the historical
factors affecting globalization and on the next post we would talk about some
phases of these.
miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014
Lets start to talk about the Globalization
Ok, at first the term globalization its ok if you write with s like globalisation, accord to the RAE its ok.
Well i wanna start telling you that i think that globalization it's when you interchange your view with the world and don't just "View" but products, ideas, technologie, internet, culture and others. It covers a lot of things and we would explain and talk about each one or the most part that is interesting. :)
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